Eyes And Teeth

Dean Taylor - Legends of Laughter Eyes and Teeth - Season 11 - Edition 12

Dean Taylor Season 11 Episode 12

Welcome to Eyes & Teeth Dean Taylor. Dean has pretty much cornered the Corporate and entertainment market playing TV characters from Film & Television and the celebrity world that pretty much lighten the mood at any party, wedding or Christmas work events. 

From being chucked out of my own wedding party by my father in law to going viral to millions on social media dancing as Kevin & Perry at the Hardwick Festival in 2021. I last worked with Dean at the 02 in London at Hoops Aid a large charity bash that literally took over the 02 venue for the evening. 

It is always fun seeing Dean as you know its going to be a Top Class event and hearing of how his character work is growing by the year just makes me smile. 

I love seeing talent get booked up and kept busy and Dean Taylor deserves his success.

So join me to find out how Dean got to where he is today, you may think he was thrown in at the deep end and just went with it… well you may be right, but lets hear it from his own face or another 30 faces of Dean Taylor